Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Okay, so I was on Twitter, right? Because that's what I do, right? And dreamspinner press--an e-book pub that specializes in m/m romance--well they got on Twitter, right? And Lynn, who's in charge at dreamspinner posted a youtube prompt..This one, to be exact, and said she was DYING for a story to go with it.

So I obliged.

In 1/2 an hour, I had 700 words about Jace and Quentin. And they were hot.

And dreamspinner press is going to send it out as a teaser in their next newsletter.

And they (Lynn West!) said, "When are you going to submit a full length story?"

And I said (because I'm a dorkfish) "I'm up to my ass in alligators (okay, maybe I didn't put it that way) but when I'm done with my current Little Goddess projects, I'll be banging down your door."

And then, fully blown, a story that will probably be around 5-10 thousand words dropped out of the sky and into my brain, completely formed, like Athene out of Zeus' head. (That was the goddess who did that, right? Maybe it was Artemis. Who cares--I'm on a roll!)

And the story's set around Christmas. Just in time to submit by Sept. 1st for their Christmas edition.


And, oh yeah--just in time for me to work on the story while a take a break before doing my first edit on the fourth Little Goddess book. You know, because I, uhm, FINISHED RAMPANT TODAY!!! (At a piddlin little 744 pages pre-edit, I might add. Yeah-- it's not gonna be much... you know... not nearly as long as Bitter Moon! Bitter Moon II that is!)

OKay-- a brief prayer first--you're all with me, right? Holy Goddess, Merciful God, LET IT NOT SUCK!

And now, with me, a little celebration.



Unknown said...

WWHHHHEEEEEE!! Hooray for authors finding willing and accepting outlets! (Even I, a guy, think that commercial deserves a slash treatment if only to demonstrate the subliminal American homosexuality in the add.)

Congrats on finishing the novel and good luck on the first round of editing. Looking forward to it. It will NOT suck.

Louiz said...


Saren Johnson said...


Donna Lee said...

And just yesterday, I was wondering what in the world Twitter was good for......

roxie said...

I am doing helicopter whirls in the backyard in my bathrobe! Wheeeeeeee!!!!

It sucketh not, neither shall it bore! You rock, babe! Toatally!! Yayayyyyy!!! Go Amy! Go Amy!

Galad said...

WWHHHHHEEEEEEEE! Twitter exists to bring people together - I guess it worked!

This may be the first step to "overnight fame" :-)

Leanore said...

I am Sooooo Happy for my Goddess friend, Amy Lane. A talented author and wonderful person. I visit Greens Hill often just to make myself feel better. This is a highly deserved turn for my friend from the Bitter Moons!
Bonnie Lea
Author of Captive Souls

Marianne Morea said...

A great big WWHHHHHEEEEEE and tons of hugs from me to you Amy! You deserve all the kudos for all your hard work. You are an inspiration to all of us trying to make it out there in the publishing tundra! I'm rubbing my hands together and keeping warm in the glow of your flame girl...long may it burn!

NeedleTart said...

Mazel tov!!!!! and much more.

Julie said...


And also, I TOLD you Twitter was useful for self-promotion. TOLD YOU. I shall gloat now. I love being right. Especially when really good stuff happens.

DecRainK said...

Rock on!