Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fucking dragon...

Okay, so NOW the dragon shuts up?

That fucker has been roaring in my ear for WEEKS. Seriously... finished RAMPANT, knocked out a 17,000 words for dreamspinner, and jump right into Jack and Teague... and I'm stoked, right? FINALLY Katy gets a little, uhm, satisfaction in this segment, and I'm happy, right?

And there they are. I won't go into details (here) but, you know... REAL interesting shit is happening.

And the dragon goes to sleep.

Just conks right out. Snores even. And here I am, stuck at my computer right on the VERY EDGE OF COMPLETION in a sex scene I've been building up to for a YEAR, and that fucker takes a goddamned nap and leaves me with a powerful hankering to go knit and watch television.


But it's good. Seriously--all good. I've been dying for some good knitting, and for those of you on twitter, (btw--I'm now amymaclane there) you know the best part. I FINALLY frogged the ugly green sock. Okay--it really wasn't ugly... or the colors weren't. The colors were 'khaki'--green, beige, gray--very subtle and understated. Except they were my traveling project and I fucked them up so many times that... well they weren't looking right. And then I messed up the foot count. So I frogged them and started something a lot more exciting. Well, it was another sock, but the colors weren't lame, and... let's just say I'm excited about it!

It's good I'm excited about something. I've got 2 1/2 weeks until school, and that sucks--I'm afraid to check my e-mail. The last time I did that over summer really bad shit had happened. I don't want to see what's happened now that I've been out of contact for four weeks. *shudder* I don't even know what I'm teaching! (Underaged humans, I assume, but you never know.) And, well, let's face it. The short people have been driving me crazy. They really never shut up, do they?

But on that note, I'm gonna motor. First I'm gonna check with you all and see how you're doing... (I'll forget someone. I always do and end up checking the next day. It's good.. It's like forgetting money in your pocket. *Yay!*) And then? I'm gonna kick that fucking dragon until he wakes up and gives Katy some satisfaction. I mean seriously--the poor kids' been waiting a year!


Unknown said...

Come on, you knew this would happen sooner or later: with a beast as fickle as a dragon for a muse, you never know when it will get tired of rampaging and decide to take a needed nap. Don't worry, he'll probably wake up at the exact wrong moment just to balance things out, like in the middle of a class.

Louiz said...

Shame about the dragon, but when it's awake again... looking forwards to that one!

Saren Johnson said...

Let the dragon sleep for a couple of days so he can dream up some really, really good stuff.

roxie said...

It's just too easy for you right now. When the house is flooded and there are five deadlines due and three of the kids have explosive diarrheah, THEN the dragon will wake and demand attention. Dragons are like that.

Meanwhile, keep your head down, do not answer the phone or check the e-mail, and really get into your knitting. That's bound to create a crisis! Always does for me, anyhow.