Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer Days

And lazy offspring:-)


Saren Johnson said...

Lawn chairs in the pool! That's so great.

Donna Lee said...

That is a wonderful shot! They look so comfortable and like mischief is about to happen.

roxie said...

And a dog who appreciates the super-size water dish, but wishes the kids would quit peeing in it.

And I be you wish you had thought of the lawn chair in the pool first. You can be lazy, too, you know.

Galad said...

Looks wonderful and cool. Summer days in the sun - awesome.

TinkingBell said...

Love it - what a brilliant idea (make sure they're wearing sunscreen though! - says Australian mother!)

I love stuff like this in summer - at present I can only dream about summer because it is the middle of winter and I am freezing!