Okay, a couple of long posts, and, well, I'm gonna coast-- but in a good way.
First thing-- the cover. Yeah-- let's talk about that.
This is the cover of an anthology written for fellow writer, Patric Michael. Patric had cancer, and although he seems to be in recovery, for a while there, it was looking pretty goddamned dire, and, well, he's a pretty special person. Everyone who knows him--and many of us are online friends and not 'IRL' friends-- wrote him something. I sent Patric my story, written just for him and his situation, and he told me it was awesome--and that I should submit it, and so I did, but I wasn't the only one. Voila, this anthology was born. It is the product of two publishing houses--MLR and Dreamspinner, which is why Kris Jacen (the editor in chief of MLR) is the name on the cover, but I'm pretty sure it's a DSP production. (I could be wrong--I need to get a better look at the cover, but I know that Elizabeth, eic of DSP did a lot of work on this one too. Bless them both--they're both busy women and I worship at their feet.)
Anyway, I've been reading my galley copy, and I have to say, it is AMAZING. The collection of talent, of warmth, of bittersweet kindness--it will rip you up and lift you up, both at the same time, no two ways about it. And, interspersed with the stories, essays, and poems of his friends are Patric's own essays about his rather epic battle with the big C (and some rather naughty bits about sex that I never would have thought to ask. Very, erm, educational.) Like I said, it's sort of frickin' amazing--and damned laden with serendipity if you ask me.
An example of this? The title. It's called "Wishing on a Blue Star" because of a dream Patric had about his twin brother--who died in the womb with Patric. I didn't know this story, and stars figure rather big in my own story, called "Dreams of a Terrible Brightness". It felt like the story itself was meant to be, even if Patric's end (or at least the one we all dreaded) is not to be. And if you look at that cover?
Yeah... well, we actually all own the rights to our stories--they're not exclusive to the anthology, so if you'd like to read "Dreams of Terrible Brightness" and know why that cover sort of sent chills down my spine, all you need to do is take a look at the story, which is on my website. Now, it's on in its submitted form--which basically means that all my dumbass typos are intact. I swear, if you buy the anthology, it's better edited than that-- Kris and Elizabeth both know what they're doing, and they don't let you get away with that shit nohow.
So, I present to you, Dreams of Terrible Brightness, now at www.greenshill.com, under Amy's Writings, in place of The Jack & Teague stories. And if you ever want a good cry and a little bit of inspiration? Buy the anthology when it comes out (January 24th, I think)--the collection of talent and genuine kindness present in that little volume is truly spectacular.
Oh-- and this was a happy! I'd sort of thought people forgot about that little story-- it was good to see it reviewed, and reviewed well!
And for those of you who think I've given up knitting altogether?
Totally not true. Yeah, I'm sticking with hats and socks and some scarves--little stuff, mostly, but I knit a little every day. Not as much as the people responsible for the next link, though. Trust me.
This is Very Cool.
You will like it. Click it now and marvel at human imagination and ingenuity.
And I found two new Christmas favorites that I thought I'd share:
And these have been getting me in the spirit that I thought was beyond me this year. And, of course, when they fail, there's always Bruce:-)
May your hearts be in it. I know mine's had some stutters and starts, some pity parties and some internal rages against the fates--but when it all comes down to it, there's no other place for my heart to be. Zoomboy has been pulling out his paper projects for the last three days. Tonight, I pulled on my good mommy pants and put them up on the wall, and made a bag full of candy bags and helped Chicken bake and, in general?
My heart is now officially in it.
Let's hold hands and brave the yuletide, my friends. It's usually a hell of a ride.
You're getting to be everywhere. Which is buckets of awesomeness.
You're my role model, you awesome, awesome woman! You SUCCEED!
Love the knitted film. Thanks ever so!!
Oh, that anthology is going to be so cool!
You know I love the knitted video and Dar. :D
~smooches~ love you
Dar Williams is one of my favorites (and I love that song).
I am finally feeling the spirit, too. I figured it would come but it took a little more time this year. I shopped all day (and I mean ALL DAY) today and now have to wrap all those gifts. What a fortunate person I am.
The baking will start tomorrow and continue all week. I am looking forward to it.
Hands held out from the other side of the country...
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