Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Things

Okay-- so it's getting close. I admit it. And not all my shopping is done, and I'm still thinking I'm going to make my January deadline and my kitchen table is terrifying.

That being said, there were a few Christmas things that caught my attention today.

#1-- Wayne Newton's approach to Christmas certainly has changed since I was a kid-- but it's nice that he can still get it up.

#2--The dogs seem to think that their morning ride is a punishment of some sort. MAYBE if we didn't lose our SWEATERS the cold wouldn't suck so much balls, yeah?

#3-- This lovely wreath was made by a family friend from withies she cut from her own backyard. It's simple and beautiful. And no-- I don't make stuff like this anymore, because I have yarn and there's really only one craft that sucks my attention enough for me to keep going. But it's lovely that I know people who can do this!

#4 Might be the reason you don't hear from me tomorrow. It's the "Force Awakens" hat, and I'm almost done, and I promised ZoomBoy it would be done in time for him to see the premiere this weekend. It's not easy, what I just did--I just thought I should mention that.  I promise that a picture of Zoomboy in the finished hat will be forthcoming.

#5 On the way home from dance, this song came up on our Christmas list. The kids and I listened to it twice, singing at the top of our lungs. (I put a live version up, since it's always great to see Bruce and the gang perform.)

#6 Mate and I planned fudge today. FUDGE! *purrr*  Okay. It's official. The holidays are coming--I can't stop them, so I'm going to enjoy them. Right next to the creepy Christmas songs that feature an omniscient Santa and words like "godhead" and "warrior" when talking about baby Jesus. Who says nobody believes in magic anymore?

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