Today, I'm thinking, is one of those days.
Hence the list-- if I can think of ten short things that are actually interesting, I will have done my job and can retreat back to editing Selfie and writing Fish Out of Water. Because sometimes we really are misanthropic hermits who want to huddle in the writing cave and snarl at passers by!
Anyway... ten things... lessee... ten things...

3. Mate got to go to a concert without me. Big T was supposed to babysit, but he had a school assignment he had to do, so, nope. *sigh* I really did miss electric Christmas this year.
4. Squish is both dancing and singing to "Winter Wonderland". I can't seem to get away from that song.
5. Made bean burritos tonight. I'm really very good at that-- it always surprises me!
6. The other night, friends of Big T's --and of mine-- dropped Big T off after a movie, and came in to chat. For the records, this, my friends, this was the end all and be all of what the dogs had hoped and feared all their lives. Yes, for years they'd been telling me that somebody was going to get me at night. Just as I settle down to work, "Woof! Woof! Woof! Someone's going to get you! Woof!" And they're sure someone is trying to get in. Well, this time, somebody got in. And, even worse, I LET them in. The dogs were astounded. They sat on my lap during our entire conversation and stared at the interlopers, growling. Ambrosia and her friends laughed. "Look at them!" She made the pointing gesture, her eyes to the dogs' eyes and back. And sure enough, those dogs weren't letting those boogie people out of their sight.
It was really sort of hilarious.
7. We're putting Christmas lights up on Saturday, after Squish's indoor soccer meet. Why Saturday? Well, Monday was shopping for his players and team Mom, Tuesday was a bit of exhaustion, Wednesday was dance lessons and rock concert, Thursday is another indoor game, Friday is the soccer banquet, and Sunday is a school function for Squish and Big T's birthday dinner.
Seriously-- Christmas. Now?
8. I made a pretty little lacy cap for my friend and editor, Sarah, who is undergoing chemo right now. I should have taken a picture-- it looks just like the sky peeking through the clouds, which I'm hoping is symbolic of her health coming back. I really love this woman-- I want all the health she can stand.
9. I'm starting the Force Awakens hat for Zoomboy. I would really like this hat to be done before the movie is out.
10. Finally, I'm only four episodes of Supernatural down instead of seven. Can I just say it's been a rocking season?
*phew* Ten things of moderate interest-- and now, you all should be in bed!
1 comment:
Nope....I'm enjoying reading the Little Goddess series one freakin' chapter at a time. MAYBE I'll be allllllll caught up by the time those babies are finally born!!! (I KNEW there was a reason to have sent Squish the recipe for Druid Bait!)
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