Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Catching Up

She's SNORING in my EAR. 

Well, you guys really seemed to love the Dex and Kane short yesterday, and this makes me really happy. I think I'll do another one this Friday with another couple. I've done Jeremy and Aiden on Amber Kell's blog in November, so maybe not them, but, well, you know-- which couples would you like to see, if I'm going to write a ficlet on Friday?

Let me know!

Also today, I updated my website and added an Amy's Lane-- click HERE for the website update.  Winter Ball is up for presale EVERYWHERE, so feel free to indulge!

Anyway-- I was going to work out today, but I had to get the refrigerator people to come pick up the old refrigerator, and I thought they were coming today. So, I did laundry, updated my website, added my quotes to the Winter Ball page on Amazon, (It's up for presale) and generally spent one of those really productive days that often come at the sacrifice of exercise.

If I hadn't walked a mile, I'd feel REALLY bad about myself, but as it is?

I'm working on a kickass story called Fish out of Water, I signed my contract for The Virgin Manny (previously Tamale Boy and the Spoiled Brat) and Mate and I almost-- that's ALMOST--have Christmas taken care of.

We have the lights up and the tree, and Big T's bday went very nicely.  Dinner at Wong's, a cherry pie from Marie Calendar and Christmas decorating-- how can you lose?

Oh! And the Force Awakens hat is coming along nicely-- I'll show pictures when it's done and not before, because right now it's looking a little big for Zoomboy's little noggin. That's okay-- hopefully, he'll grow.

But if you look above, you'll see my usual working conditions.  I didn't capture the other dog in my shirt, but, well, this one's bad enough.

And she really is snoring in my ear.


Astor said...

Would love a Mackey and Trav update. With their recent SCORE in the awards dept they've been on my mind. Congratulations by the way!

Hvitveis said...

I would love to hear what Carson and Dale are up to!

countrygirlxxoo said...

I would love to hear from the Promise gang...doesn't matter who.

Unknown said...

Ace and Sonny!