And went on a whale watching excursion (during which we saw NO whales--but did get a raincheck) and ate clam chowder in bread bowls and ran along the beach (where we saw dolphins offshore. Go figure.)

We saw that rarity of rarities--Big T on a family outing, as well as a photographed smile on Chicken. We spent the nights in a hotel room which slept six, but only had a television in the room with one bed. All six of us crammed onto that one bed to watch the last six episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, on Nickle-odian, which replayed the whole series for the weekend. Some people might have called that odd. We called it family.
And we got to see Zoomboy in his natural element--where the sea and the sky contend with each other, to see whose roar is the loudest. Even Zoomboy was ready to go home at the end. (He astounded us all on the way home, btw. We got stuck in traffic, and he had to pee in a bottle. Besides making the whole car giggle terribly, he filled a 16 oz water bottle--Mate and I have now sworn NEVER to ask him "Can you hold it?" again. Obviously he CAN hold it--and if the boy's gotta go, he damned well has to go!) Everybody had pink cheeks, sore from laughing at the end of three days. 
Waking up this morning to get everyone off to school was hard. But I asked the short people, "Did we have a good time?"
This is my family, having a wonderful time:-)
And I had a wonderful time watching your family have a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing.
Looks like everyone had a blast!
That looks wonderful. Red cheeked excitement is the best kind. And we used to all squish up in bed to watch television. Something really fun about that.
What a fun weekend!
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