I've been working on a pair of socks and I'm so close to done--like, one good conversation and some Friday night TV close to done.
But there was a sale on this super bulky yarn, and I... I had one of those moments of inspiration.
I KNEW what this yarn wanted to be.
I could imagine this yarn being knitted, I could imagine the pattern, I could imagine myself wearing it. It would be so romantic--a hooded infinity scarf, super bulky yarn, off-white with eggplant colored edging.
I HAD to make this scarf.
Well, I was at my desk today when I got a text from ZoomBoy--"My teacher wants you to make her a sweater."
Ha ha--very flattering. But then, I thought about this teacher. It's his choir teacher--she's been the choir teacher through grade school and middle school--she's the one behind the fantastic choir program, who makes beautiful shows out of air and wishes and kids who adore her.
If anyone deserved a sweater, it was this teacher.
Alas, I needed to finish this scarf and then the socks and then...
About that scarf...
So I picked ZoomBoy up from school and we laughed about the sweater thing and I said, "Do you think she'd want a scarf instead?"
He laughed and I said, "It should be done tonight--maybe you bring it in tomorrow and say 'My mom can make you a sweater but it will be a while. Maybe this can keep you warm while you wait.'"
He loved the idea--and even Squish said, "Oh, Mom, I'd give up my own sweater so she could have one. She's superhuman. She deserves a sweater."
But it meant I had to push on through to finish, and, well, there went my time for the Patreon.
And there went my dreams of me in the hooded scarf--but that's fine. I don't think was ever really meant to be mine anyway. Next week is President's week and the kids just finished a big program--I think if anybody deserves knitwear it's ZoomBoy's choir teacher.
Besides--Mate sent me flowers. I've been pretty much taken care of this Valentine's Day, you think?
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