Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Not Quite Home

Current Mood: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VT-SFgkVlno&feature=youtu.be

Okay so more about the con—which was lovely—on tomorrow’s blog.
Right now, we’re sticking to yesterday, which had it’s moments.

Wake up in Virginia, 7 a.m.. Andrew and I dress and pack like PROS cause we know the routine by now. Check out, into the Mustang, and GO.

McDonald’s at 9:30.

Rest stop at 11:30–I take a picture of Andrew’s hands in the fingerless mitts I gave him, as sort of a thank you for doing all the driving. They look good. He’s happy. So am I. :-)

BWI at 1. *MASSIVE HUGS* because it’s been a rough trip and we have been staunch and faithful roomies and friends and I can’t imagine having the kind of trip we did with someone I didn’t get along with as well as Andrew Grey.

Get to BWI— find 4 o’clock flight has been moved to 6 o’clock. But I should still get to Seattle on time.

Get to Seattle after a little bit of turbulence and no food, and find that my flight is cancelled.

I literally can’t go home.

I rebook the flight for today, almost noon, get to the airport hotel just in time to see their food service close, and throw my shit on the bed.

Folks, I had no underwear.

I literally sent Mate a picture of a pair of rinsed out drawers on the heating unit to dry.

Which brings me to waking up in the middle of the night afraid I was going to die because the heating unit is apparently never used and the smell of burning dust literally left smoke in the air.

And I’m starving. Last night on the phone I told Mate, “I’m going to get to the airport early and go to McDonalds.”

He said, “And what?”

“And nothing. THAT IS THE END OF THAT STORY. Happy ending achieved. I’m gonna eat me some sausage, drink me some coffee, and pretend I’m home feeding bad shit to the furry assholes.”

“The miss you. So do I.”

“I miss you too.”

So cross your fingers for me, folks— I leave the hotel in twenty minutes. Hopefully I’m going home.

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