And so today, we whizzed on all the whizzing things, bjorked at all the big woofers, and snuffled all the wharping smells. It was a good start to a real day, not a pretend day when we have to pretend we had our walkies but a real day when walkies really happened.
The best kind of day.
The end.
So there you are-- cute dogs said cute things. Mission accomplished.
Of course, after the cute things, everybody had to nap.
Even the cats.
And the last pictures was pretty classic, because Squish and I were watching television. Squish is fun to watch TV with--especially as she gets older.
"Mom, wait!"
"Well, they broke up last season."
"Honey, we're supposed to be waiting for Paige to get together with Walter! That's the point of the show."
She blinked at me.
"I mean... Walter. Head guy."
She blinked again, and I started to feel like George Clooney in Ocean's 11.
"But Walter's a tool?" I hazarded.
She nodded. "I hate this show."

"Uh, Squish?"
"You got something on your butt."
"Yup. Get me water?"
"Yeah, sure."
I mean they just looked so comfy, right?
Yup-- time for me to go to bed!
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