Monday, June 15, 2015

Chicken's Portfolio Project

My beautiful, beautiful Chicken, who has done so very
well.  See that tablecloth? Only one that wasn't black.
That's my baby girl!
Okay-- so most of you have figured out that I wasn't at home as Deep of the Sound released.

We travels down to San Diego, because Chicken had her portfolio show, and she asked for family support.

We didn't do many vacation-y things.  We drove down, stayed in a low-rent hotel (with a great pool, because the kids had to have SOMETHING) and spent our time taking Chicken shopping and going to the movies and eating out.  (Our hotel room was so small that Big T didn't fit-- he ended up sleeping on his sister's futon. True bonding!)


I have a few pictures for you, and tomorrow I may remember some of the funny things my family said (because we do entertain ourselves, yes we do) but tonight?
My dad and Big T. We all looked so much like family that
her friends were like, "Oh! Family Lane. Nice to meetya!"


I'm tired.

So I'll leave you with this: Squish was getting upset because Chicken and Big T were talking about scary movies while she was in the back of the car. I ended up calming her down by showing her "Dear Kitten" YouTube videos on the was back to the hotel but first I told her that Sam and Dean would come saver her from anything scary.

To which her brother retorted, "Yeah, but only after the first body!"

Good point, young one, good point!
Mate and Squishy ad Big Bear Diner. Yes, we bought
stuffed bears. Why?

Anyway-- leaving you with my beautiful Chicken and my beautiful family. I'm going to use the caption function, which means those of you reading from GR are going to be a little cheated because the captions go EVERYWHERE.  Sorry about that!

Enjoy :-)

We also played the jukebox. 

Big T also played the jukebox. Apparently jukeboxes
are fascinating.

Road to Lancaster. Just sort of cool.

Us, in BJ's Bar and Grill, before they lost all our respect
by seating us whenEVER, losing our order, and
running away from Mate as he tried to pay the bill.
Lane family is never going back there again. But
my kids make any place look good.

Kids and Mate in the pool.  Yeah, I spent my hour--
It was a really awesome food!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gorgeous children. Family vacations are the best!! Mine are now in their 40s and reposting their old vacation pics to each other. So fun to remember.