We got up at 4 a.m. so we could leave Zoomboy at the airport at 5:30.
He looked really grown up, but his last hug was really tight. Mama's been trying to keep it together all day. It helps that we were REALLY busy.
We left the airport around 6:00 and drove straight to San Francisco. We arrived around 9:10-- which was enough driving time for me to finish that wrap I talked about last week. I think I am going to keep it, because… well, because I think it's good. I think it's pretty. My artist friends are all nice and won't laugh at me behind my back when I wear it, I know it!
Anyway, we parked and napped for about half an hour. Then we walked a mile to the Moscone Center so I could attend the RWA book signing at the American Library Association convention.

Mate and the girls went to ride the trolley-- and I signed books.
I met two fans--eeeeee!!!! Amy Call, who hung out for a picture (not this one) and omg… I'm sorry! Forgot!!! Name!!! But she loved Clear Water!!! I also signed 58 OTHER book for other people who were happy to meet me. I wanted to cry-- they were all so nice! Carol Ritter and Steph Fry, the RWA Goddesses who met me were SO ORGANIZED. But they also loved Harry Potter and thought Matt Lewis (thanks Steph!) got unbelievably hot. They were nice enough to listen to me ramble (because sleep deprivation and, hello, a sort of FREAKING AMAZING two and a half weeks) so I adore them now. They're wonderful.

Anyway-- Mate called me and said, "Come meet us at Lou's Fish Shack on the wharf!"
I caught a cab outside the center… and the proceeded to look up Lou's Fish Shack so I could give the guy the address, and then watched as he drove me around the city in a very big loop to get there, and THEN gaped at him as he dropped me off with no Fish Shack in sight.
So I asked a local where it was.
And was directed the wrong way.
And then asked a guy at an info booth where it was, and turned around and walked back the block and then up another block to get there.
I'm like, "Holy God-- if natives don't even know their own city, we're all fucking doomed!"

So I was starving when I got there, but Mate had ordered me a sourdough chowder bowl, and we sat out on the patio and ate. Then we walked down to Pier 39, where we walked into the puppet store. They said, "What are you looking for?"
I said, "We're looking for something for Squish, who had to deal with the fact that mom and dad were too busy volunteering and dealing with college graduating and trips to San Diego and trips to Europe to remember flowers for her recital, and who watched her brother get on a plan to Paris without her at five in the morning."
They said, "So, basically anything in the store."
I was like, "Skies the limit."
She got an Arctic Fox named Magic-- who is beautiful and who can be brushed for real-- I have no pictures, but, well, Squishy and Magic. It only makes sense.

And I got these three zombies for my friend Sheela and her kids, because Zombies are here THING. Then we walked to the trolley, took the trolley to the end of the Embarcadero, and walked another couple of blocks to the car. Yes. We DID go in a HUGE ASSED CIRCLE made of walking, trolleys, cabs, and tears, why do you ask?
Anyway-- Mate clawed his way out of the city using teeth and nails, and then we got home. And I made Chicken pose for me with the wrap-- because all things are more beautiful with a Chicken in it.
And yeah. It's even prettier on her-- not that she knows what to do with it but still.
All things considered, it was like our day-- a long road, and a long way around, but the end result was worth it.