Help me. Please. Writer's intervention. Something. I'm serious.

* We made soap. It was easy. Took two hours. Mate feels like a god. Eight bars of soap. Eight washcloths. An hour a piece. Now guess who gets to be the goddess?

* I put earrings in. They hurt. Too much to take out. Really? Yes really. *headdesk*
* Mate and I are no longer 35. What's clueing me in? The fact that we're falling asleep before our older children and we DON'T HAVE OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WRAPPED.
* "Oh Chicken! Big T! Guess what? Yup! You're going to see The Guardians at 11:30 this morning and taking the little kids. Yeah, I know you've seen it before--so what? Yeah, I know there's a Kings game we're all going to tonight that your dad's been looking forward to for MONTHS. SO WHAT? Here, we'll give you money for the arcade too. Us? We're not doing anything. Nope. Not a thing. Swear. Uh-huh. Don't mind the pile of scissors and tape over here, nothing to see, nuh-nuh-- no, that's just daddy, getting into the closet of doom. What could possibly be interesting in there? NOW GET INTO THE CAR, WE'VE ONLY GOT TWO HOURS!"

* The Christmas cards will be mailed tomorrow. Which still is not the latest they've ever gone out.
* Squish spent an hour on a secret craft project yesterday. It's made out of paper towels. Uh-huh. Paper towels. My hopes aren't high for this one turning out well.
* The dog needs to be walked RIGHT NOW. He just doesn't know it yet. He's still sleeping with my husband.
* And that's all I got time for... I need to walk the dog, clean the kitchen, knit eight washcloths, take the kids to the movies, wrap their presents, go to a Kings game, take the kids looking at lights, cook Christmas Eve dinner, bake bread for my moms on Christmas day, and ham, and something else, and pies, and... oh hell. I forgot something. And now I have to remember what I forgot!
Merry Christmas!!!
I just downloaded the steampunk book and am looking forward to reading it. Carry on with Christmas - you've got a busy couple of days ahead!
Okay, I can't see the necklace. But the penguin shirt looks cute.
Hope yours was Merry.
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