You're wrong. It was the end of the world. He was showing us his wound for the rest of the day and telling us he was so glad he didn't have to write with his right hand and then we had to speculate on the origin of the word "right"meaning side of the body, as opposed to "write" and it's other homophone, "right" meaning correct and/or morally sound. Yeah. That kid's not gonna end up on a football field or a track unless he's carrying a flute, mark my words.
And in other, random news, we managed to talk the outside cat to come inside. Now, not only will Shulamonster NEVER LEAVE, she will also NEVER LEAVE US ALONE. And poor Steve. Steve is missing her quality mom time, and blaming mom for the fact that her once-favorite slum-kitty is now sitting in Steve's bed and sucking up to mom during the morning trip to the bathroom. She may never forgive me, and I feel bad. Plus, Shula likes to nibble.
So, here comes my big story. The big one. The funny one. I hope.

But it wasn't the only place we stopped, and by the time we were done, we had some bags. Some bags that needed to be hidden.

We were pulling into our driveway when our usual problem asserted itself.
"Where are we putting this shit?" I asked.
"The hall closet," Mate said without blinking.
"The one we can't open because it doesn't have a doorknob?"
"But isn't it full of--"
At this point, Mate walked into the house, jimmied open the door, and, in two minutes, managed to pull out NINE YEARS of accumulated crap in one go. The following conversations took place.

"No, they're pants Chicken wore into the ground and we were giving to Goodwill."
"Crap, they're small."
"Oh yeah."
"So this stroller...?"
"The last time we used it?"
"Disneyland, 2006."
"Yeah, I thought so-- we can throw the sunblock away."
"So, uhm, this stickiness on the ground?"
"Halloween candy."
"Which year?"
"You think I know???"

"There's a lot of it."
"I know it."
"Any reason for that?"
"All the binder paper? Yeah. There's reasons for it."
"I'd love to hear it."
"That right there is a direct result of the kids, saying, 'Mom! We need binder paper!' and me saying, 'Look in the hall closet!' and them saying, 'I did! There's nothing there!' and me saying, 'Okay, I'll buy some!' and then opening the hall closet and saying, 'Son of a bitch!'"
"Look, here's one of Chicken's old coats. Can it fit Squish?"
"Yes! And so can this one, this one, and this one!"
"Good--we've got at least three coats for Zoomboy as he grows too."
And the clincher!
"Wow, this is a nice coat."
"Yeah, Mate, it is. How come you never wear it?"
"Well, it's a ski coat, but I must have worn it. See? It's got a tag from a ski lift on it. It's, uhm, dated, 2004."
"That's great! Got your money's worth out of that didn't ya!"
And remember, we were doing this all before I had to go get the kids.
But we did it. We cleaned it out, we jammed some presents in, and we covered them with coats. It was awesome.
Of course, the kids can never know, and that sucks, because it's the kind of thing that Mate and I usually do the gloat-gloat dance, because it proves that YES, we ARE grownups, and we CAN clean like regular suburb dwellers when the circumstance calls for it. Like, when our parents are coming over, or we need to hide stuff from our kids.
What a riot!!! I laughed my ass off reading this! =)
I have a closet just like that. It is in serious need of attention. I fully intend to get to it this spring or summer or maybe next fall. There's probably no Hallowe'en candy in there, though. We never lose/forget candy.
And the kids never read your blog - right?
Nine YEARS of accumulation? Holy crow! We'd need an industrial-size dumpster! Good on you!
Hugs to big T.
Closet cleaning and shopping in the same day? You are my heroes!
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