But that's okay-- I was aware that the puppy dog sabotaged my chance at sleeping in from the get go. The good part is that the kids will take him walking in the middle of the day as well.
We had a lovely Christmas. We only dealt with one family this year--and Mate's mom had dinner at my parents' house, and that was lovely too. We played games and cards, and ate (and ate and ate) and generally, I had fun with my family.
On Sunday, we all went to a Kings game (there was winning-- sweartaDOG there was winning!) and sat in really awesome seats. (Seriously, if we could sit in those seats every time, I might not put up so much of a fight about going.) Chicken brought her friend, Stevi, and Wendy and her beau came as well, and it was fun. And, of course, Amy things happened.

Or, rather, stopped ME, because I was the one who smiled at him.
"Are you guys going to the game?"
"Yeah! You too?"
"Yeah! Would you like some free parking passes?"
And sure enough he produced two passes since we'd brought two cars!
I went back into the hamburger place (Five Guys-- I'm SURE it's Five Guys) and danced about our good fortune, and then settled into conversation w/Wendy. At one point I said, (and I forget why I said this!) "See? Karma works!"
She said, "Okay, you always say that, but just once I'd like to SEE it work. I never SEE it work!"
I said, "FREE PARKING for SMILING at a guy." She had to concede that yes, she'd seen karma work.

And the day after was Christmas Eve, and I screwed up dinner and didn't get any crafting done and... I don't think that's what the kids will remember. What they'll remember is that Santa was good to them and we gathered around and watched Christmas Story and that Big T read the little kids "T'was the Night Before Christmas" and that we were happy.
And the next day was cards at grandmas.
And in the end, there was this.
Successful holiday achieved:-)
best post-christmas picture EVER. You might consider it for your holiday card next year. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family.
Sounds like a splendid time! And yes, Squish sprawled on the floor would make a great Christmas card - or blackmail when she's fifteen.
The run up to our holiday sounds a lot like yours except ours included a temper explosion that fortunately released a lot of pressure and things settled down quickly after that. Like every year, everything important got done and a good time was had by all.
We gave away our movie tickets to a surprised Dad and his son (who were told The Hobbit was sold out). "Merry Christmas!" and walked away.
All the best for you and your family (and no, the book does not suck)
I would think she'd still be sprawled out like that when she's 15, so that won't work.
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