Monday, September 30, 2019

Happy Kermit Flail Birthday to Me!


So yes--I know that this Kermit Flail is a wee bit early, but hey-- September 30th is my birthday, and I can celebrate how I want! As it happens, October 1st is Mate's birthday and my biomom's, Sept. 24th is Chicken's, Sept. 23rd is my Auntie's, and seriously-- there is so much celebrating going on that I get stuff done when I can!

So Happy Birthday to me--we've got some rocking Kermit Flail today!

For starters, we've got rock stars! Huzzah!!! You all know that's one of my favorites!  And R.L. Merrill has given us a real angst sundae here--it looks terrific!

Summer of Hush

by R.L. Merrill

Hush is back… and it’s about to get loud.

After two years grieving the death of his best friend, Silas Franklin is back on the road with his metalcore band, Hush. With a new member, a brilliant new album, and a headlining spot on the last cross-country Warped Tour, life couldn’t be better—unless Silas could meet the intriguing music blogger known only as the Guru. Silas has followed his blog for years and feels the Guru might be the only person who “gets” him.

For years Krishnan Guruvayoor has reported on the metal scene as an anonymous blogger, and he’s just landed an internship on the Warped Tour as well as a potential position with a well-respected music magazine. His best friend arranges for him to meet singer Silas Franklin—but only as Krish the Intern. Their chemistry is instant, and Krish is thrilled to get to know the man behind the music.

The rock star and blogger quickly go from meet-cute to cuddle session, but secrets, overprotective bandmates, meddling media, and a terrible accident all conspire against them. Can their romance survive the summer of Hush?

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And next in the lineup we've got the opposite of angst sundae-- we've got sexy theme park operators and Broadway music stars with a cozy mystery thrown in! Come check out I've Got this by Louisa Masters!

I've Got this

by Louisa Masters

Derek Bryer loves his life. His job as an assistant director at Joy Universe, the second-largest theme park complex on the planet, makes him indirectly responsible for bringing joy (pun intended) to millions of people. So what if none of his relationships are that close? Everyone he meets loves him.

Except Trav Jones. For some reason, the visiting Broadway performer would rather Derek just go away. He appreciates Derek’s work ethic, though, and after Trav steps up when Derek desperately needs someone to fill in for his sick staff, Derek seizes the chance to convince Trav he’s not such a bad guy.

Falling in love while distracted by a murder at the park, food poisoning, and colleagues laying bets on their relationship won’t be easy, but between the two of them and with the magic of Joy Universe, they’ve got this.
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So we've got the angst, we've got the quirk-- and then we've got this gem of a book by Kim Fielding. I don't get a chance to read nearly as many books as I'd like to, but I had the good luck to read this one, and it's just so damned sweet. Cal Walters is prickly and Teo is adorable, and together they work really hard to prove that fairy tales can come true. Come check out Drawing the Prince--it truly is an escape from your every day.

Drawing the Prince

by Kim Fielding

Painting themselves a life together will be a royal ordeal.

Small-town boy Cal Walters doesn’t know whether he owes his phenomenal success as an artist to talent or to his connections to famous people. Doubt leaves him secluded—until a lost bet lands him on yet another blind date. But this one is different.

To Teofilo Vabriga-Kastav, playboy prince of the tiny nation of Porvunia and passionate art lover, Cal’s paintings are as intriguing as Cal himself. When Teo invites Cal to his country for an art competition, a whirlwind romance sweeps them up. But it can’t last—loyalties and obligations bind them to lives that are worlds apart.

Cal and Teo might’ve found their perfect complements in each other, but to hold on to their happiness, they’ll have to get creative.

"[A]n enchanting royal affair."--Publishers Weekly

And finally... well, you know. Jackson. Ellery. Billy Bob, Jade, and Lucy Satan. 

I mean, the gang's all here, right? 

Come join them!

Fish on a Bicycle

by Amy Lane

Fish Out of Water: Book Five

Jackson Rivers has always bucked the rules—and bucking the rules of recovery is no exception. Now that he and Ellery are starting their own law firm, there’s no reason he can’t rush into trouble and take the same risks as always, right?

Maybe not. Their first case is a doozy, involving porn stars, drug empires, and daddy issues, and their client, Henry Worrall, wants to be an active participant in his own defense. As Henry and Jackson fight the bad guys and each other to find out who dumped the porn star in the trash can, Jackson must reexamine his assumptions that four months of rest and a few good conversations have made him all better inside.

Jackson keeps crashing his bicycle of self-care and a successful relationship, and Ellery wonders what’s going to give out first—Jackson’s health or Ellery’s patience. Jackson’s body hasn’t forgiven him for past crimes. Can Ellery forgive him for his current sins? And can they keep Henry from going to jail for sleeping with the wrong guy at the wrong time?

Being a fish out of water is tough—but if you give a fish a bicycle, how’s he going to swim?

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