Monday, April 25, 2011

So Is This Called a Springover?

Seriously--I think I have a spring break hangover. I know, I know--

First I finished up Alpha and submitted it--and I did that with kids in the house!

Then I launched Locker Room--guest blogging, promo chats (or forgetting them until halfway through and then MAKING UP FOR THEM because I felt so bad), contests (still running to Friday), ANNNNGGGGGGGssssssTTTTT!!! (On my part, anyway, for the opening of Locker Room!) And yeah, I did that with kids in the house.

And then, my husband decided to take the kids (and by default, me) OUT of the house in an attempt to spoil them even more-- Six Flags, movie premieres (Disney's Big Cats--What do the Savannah and a 7/11 have in common? Everybody's swinging by to pick up a bag of cheetahs! SERIOUSLY-- no wonder they're endangered. There's not a critter on the planet that doesn't want to eat them, mess with them, or wear them as a hat!) anyone?

And then, of course there was shopping for Easter, prepping for Easter, and the big day itself!

Poor Squish-- usually Squish awakens gently, with a mom-hug, or tickles to the feet, with angel kisses and the singing of birds and a soft, lazy, "Good morning momma!" "Good morning, baby!" and then the sproingy-haired zombie walk down the hall and into the living room.

Not Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday, she was awakened by her brother, who bounced up and down on the bed screaming, "It's Easter, it's Easter, we've got STUFF!" at pretty much the top of his lungs.

Mate played the Easter bunny in this moment--he 'hid' eggs. He 'hid' eggs all over the middle of the floor. At first I was thinking, "This is hiding?" But it had the effect of making the plastic egg hunt sort of like the five minutes of present carnage during Christmas. There was a great deal of excited shouting, Zoomboy did the counting (because Squish still counts one, three, twelve, two--in spite of the fact that she KNOWS better, she still thinks it's cute. *smack*!) and then the eggs were all in their buckets, and, well, the rest of the morning was mom cooking, some napping, some reading (Yeah-- I know-- READING--it was COOL!) and then off to my parents. This year, we only did one family-- and that was something surprising and most excellent. I know I really had fun--no worries about picking someone else up or 'super quick' visits--just hung out at my mom & dad's & ate ribs & potato salad. The kids (and some of the adults) got into a giant plastic egg fight (I shit you not!) and Zoomboy was used abominably by his older cousins to fetch sodas, chips, and generally be a goober for their entertainment--he was overjoyed. Squish entertained people by general cuteness--and by telling terrible, terrible lies (she spins stories like some of you spin yarn--incessantly, without tiring or growing bored in the least). Big T got to speak with his natives (teenaged/young twenties boys) and Chicken? People actually accused her of smiling. And wearing pink--both of which she'll deny although we do have pictures of the pink.

In general, it was awesome.

But that week of doing shit, and then more shit, and then stressing about shit, and all of it with kids in the house?

Well, it made getting the kids out of the house a real bummer today. They were tired, I was tired-- it was a spring break hangover-- a springover! But that's okay, I guess, because this last week was a helluva party, right?

Seriously--I knew things were out of hand when I actually missed my own chat on Saturday--zomg-- how stressed do I have to be to space that? But I got there midway through, people were REALLY understanding (*waves* Thanks guys!) and I got to answer a lot of questions anyway. It was fun! And so far, the Locker Room seems to be pinging folks the right way--a couple of people are squinting at me for the ending (there's a reason it ended that way!) and a couple of folks have let me know that they only cried two or three times for this one (some others apparently went through the requisite tissue box:-) and generally, I can (sort of) relax (maybe) a little until the big blog reviews start coming, and then I can get all nervy and stressed again.

Oh yes--and I read this today. In general, it articulates everything I believe about politics in one rather depressing story about Benjamin Franklin and his sister. Did you know he had a sister? Neither did I--and, alas, that is the point.

So off--I've got more shit to do! (Believe it or not!) But when Squish awakes and requests that she spend some time ensconced upon my lap as her rightful throne, part of that shit to do will include taking a little nappy-poo of recovery-- I guarandamnedtee it!

Mate took some pictures of the kids--I'll try and post some of them tomorrow, because, as usual, my kids were beautiful.

Oh yes-- the contest is still going, simply make a post on this feed or the feed, and squish will draw names Friday night:-)


Donna said...

The piece from the NYT brought tears to my eyes...for Jane and for those today too ignorant to understand the importance of education, history and the ability to control procreation. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.


roxie said...

Post, post, post,post. Want yarn. Want hot hetro vampire sex. Loves to Miss Squish and der Zoomster and the sweetest chicken on the planet ( Miss honey roast!) Hugs and naps and big congratulations to you, darling girl! Long may you wave.

Louiz said...

I know what you mean about a springover, I think I might have one too. Easter, birthday, nieces, sisters, it's been all go. And my validation word makes me giggle: mumsop.

DecRainK said...

That article was sad. I am a History major and do not ever recall hearing about Jane Franklin.

As for Springover, my 'spring break' for work (I'm a substitute teacher) was a few weeks ago. We only had a three day weekend for Easter and it was so intense I didn't answer y phone for a sub job at all today!

Saren Johnson said...

Sounds like a fun Easter Day. You mananged to get so much completed.

Katelyn said...

Your posts always put a smile on my face!