It doesn't help that, as with most of you, the week has sort of the ring of sameness about it. I just need a little longer to collect funny stuff, right?
So here goes--
* Some of you saw on FB that I had a wee bit of a mail order mishap. Back at the very beginning of quarantine, when the toilet paper just DISAPPEARED, I had a moment of panic and ordered what promised to be a 12 pack of Charmin from a very suspect website in China. Well... it finally appeared and it was... less than promised.
Yes, that IS actual size.
* Since we figured toilet paper had become more valuable than precious gems, we strung the tiny rolls into a necklace. This not only made for a fun picture for ZoomBoy, it also made for a convenient way to dispense the tiny rolls of toilet paper. We took that necklace of tiny tubes and slung it over the dispenser in the bathroom. Voila. A way to stretch our last package of Charmin. Huzzah! In case you're wondering? They lasted from Monday to yesterday evening. So four days for four people. I don't know if that's terrifying or average, but I will tell you this--the cats ate an awful lot of it. They seemed to think those tiny travel sizes were just for them!
* When done, we had a string with a bunch of toilet paper tubes on it. I hung the string around the front door knob, because cats love toilet paper tubes and I'm thinking, "Hey! This will be like a free cat toy!" You guys all know the answer to that, right? They'd rather play with a piece of trash we dropped on the floor.
Or another square of precious toilet paper that they have somehow liberated from the now regular sized roll.
*laughs happily*
* And speaking of adorable pets... Geoffie sits up next to me every night while I knit. She wedges herself between my side and the armrest and lays there, sleeping and happy. And of course I have to get up once an hour--snacks, potty, just getting my circulation going.
"Geoffie, honey, I gotta move."
Her ears perk up and she gets up and stretches and then jumps down.
Every time. She knows exactly what it means.
*laughs happily*
And there you go-- I think I"ll keep the blogging to one or two times a week--I want fun stuff here, and the occasional book release. Let me know if you want any more!
Stay healthy, be kind-- we still have a ways to go.
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