Which was unfortunate in a way, because I had planned to stay up all night and make ZoomBoy's gauntlet.
But the more I worked on it, the more fascinated he became.
I mean, the original plan?
Was to have it in a box all finished, with some purple felt and package fill representing Thanos's severed arm sticking out of the back.
"Do you want to glue the gems on?" I asked uncertainly. I mean, I'm supposed to be making it for HIM.
"YES!" He got so excited!
"Uh..." And I paused here. My family knows I'm not good with secrets, but this one was SO GOOD. "Uh, do you want to set it up in the box? We were, uh, gonna--"
So, ZoomBoy has helped finish AND wrap his gift.
Because it's cool.
And funky.
Pretty much just like my fifteen year old son. Who stayed up until 1:30 tonight watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind with me so he could see the end of the movie--AND his birthday present at the end.
He's sort of the best.
He's the funniest, and the smartest and the coolest and the funkiest and the most awesome ZoomBoy a mom could wish for.
But other than that?
It's perfect.
Wow! What an amazing young person and an amazing parent.
What an awesome young human being and an amazing parent.
Happiest birthday to the most awesome ZB! And the glove is a masterpiece!
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