Because one more damned thing didn't get done.
Goddammit and oh crap.
So, while I run around and finish an edit and write my Christmas letter so we can send it out on Tuesday, I'm going to be grateful I got to do a couple of non-oh-Crap! things this weekend.
Well, DUH!
We got to the next store, and there they were. Big T said, "She ran out of her own money so I gave her another twenty."
Mate and I cracked up, and I slipped him another twenty--but damn. Do I know how to read those kids or what?
I have to say I was flattered. Her mom didn't act like that. Score one in the motherhood department-- this time of year, we need the win.
Also--Squish took us shopping to Target for gifts for the Mustard Seed School-- that's the school for homeless children in Sacramento. She was a good shopper for that--I was very proud.
Also, we saw Rogue 1, which was SO worth seeing--but I sobbed. Like, UGLY CRIED at the ending. So be warned! Fun fact--and I forgot to get a picture--was that ZB wore his Jedi Robe--the one his grandmother made him last Christmas, as well as the hat I made for him when Force Awakens comes out. Bless his little heart! *sniffle*
Oh-- and we had frost again. The kids think it's the end of the world-- they can't remember it was ever this cold.
Wow-- I am so falling asleep here.
I've only got one more detail to add to this boring-myself-to-sleep blog.
We got the dog groomed. Yeah, I know. We all may die of cute!
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