Okay, so I saw
Finding Dory today and loved it. Damned fish-- they made me cry. Also, the voice talent is just so awesome-- Ellen DeGeneres, Ed O'Neil, Ty Burrell. I loved them all. *happy sigh* I love animated story telling--it's a magical gestalt where all of the best of human talent comes to play.
And other than that, I posted "The picture blog" from the last couple of days-- I really love the aquarium shot at the top, by the way. Is why we like going. And it's funny-- I just CAME from the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and I was looking at the way Pixar had imagined the "Morro Bay Aquarium" thinking, "Wow, that place would be nice--we should visit it!"
Oh, yeah.
And I finished a book called
Bonfires. Which I really sort of love. And that's exciting--but also exhausting, if you think about going from recital to vacation to finishing a book with two edits on your desk.
So given that the last two weeks have been mostly about fish, I'm going to leave you with a teaser for
Fish Out of Water-- where we meet Jackson the PI and Ellery the defense attorney--in a less than perfect moment:
let out a reluctant chuckle. “You all have been schooled by a man in a suit,”
he said with cheerful rancor. “And he’s right. I’ve been humoring you bozos,
but you’ve got my official statement—several times. Now either take me in or
let me go—but I need some water, and a Band-Aid, and a fucking chair. If you’re
not willing to offer me any of that shit, you’ve met my lawyer. He just made you
all look like assholes.”
turned his back on them, damned near kicking the grass backward like a cat
pleased with the dump he’d just taken.
ready to go, Mr. Cramer?” he asked, heading for Ellery’s car.
am indeed. Which towing service do you use?”
looked at him with a truly ferocious grin. “Don’t need one. Saunders over there”—he
jerked his chin toward Dead-eyes—“ran my plates and realized they were
obligated to tow the thing anyway, on account of too many parking tickets.”
groaned. Of course. Of course Jackson
would land on his feet.
he really wasn’t walking too well.
clicked his remote so Jackson could get in and then swung into the driver’s
seat while Jackson orgasmed over the all-leather interior.
man,” the guy purred. “This is… mmmm….” He made kneading motions with his
fingers and everything. “Is this sort of thing even legal?”
should feel it in the winter, when the seats heat,” Ellery said dryly. “Do you
need medical attention for your knee?”
opened Jackson’s eyes right up. “Do you got any ibuprofen, Princess? I don’t
want a doctor, but I could seriously use
a painkiller and some ice.” His voice sank to a grumble. “Of course I have both a bottle of Motrin and an ice pack in the damned car, but was
I allowed to touch it? No-ooo!”
of the evidence too?” Ellery asked, not without sympathy.
sorts of stuff from my car that they decided they needed. My sports jacket,
water, my painkillers, my fuckin’ Taser….”
was starting to sound loopy, and Ellery asked, “Your insulin?”
got a grunt in return. “I’m not diabetic,” he muttered.
diagnosed,” he admitted grudgingly. “I just need a fuckin’ granola bar or
something. God, that would be
awesome. And some ice. And some Motrin. And some—”
in the Box,” Ellery muttered with distaste. “We’ll have to settle for that.”
grunted and threw himself back against the seat. “Chipotle?” he asked
plaintively. “I’ll buy.”
you walked into a Chipotle right now, you’d scare the customers,” Ellery said.
“I’ll buy. Where do you live, and where’s the one nearest your house?”
groaned. “Ugh…. Okay, where the fuck are we again?”
we just passed a junior high—”
“Fuck—can you find Northgate? Take a
right on San Juan and a right on Truxel. There’s probably one closer to my
house, but—”
thinking’s a problem right now.”
been a day!” Jackson snapped. He took a breath. “How’s K?”
lot calmer than I would be,” Ellery admitted. “His sister got a chance to visit.
They’re sweet together.”
gave a half laugh and tilted his head back. “Yeah. J and K—always had each
other’s backs. Good people.”
school,” Jackson said, his voice going sour. “We just passed it. I’m going to
close my eyes for the rest of the tour if that’s okay.”
swallowed. He should just stay quiet. He and Jackson had a lot of business to
take care of that night. Once Jackson got some food and some first aid, Ellery
needed to run a lot of shit by him,
because his conversation with Arizona made no goddamned sense and Jackson might
have some insight. So yeah. Long night. Leave the guy a—
is sort of a rough neighborhood.” Apparently keeping your mouth shut was not
the hallmark of a great defense attorney.
is a garden spot right here,” Jackson snorted, eyes still closed. “You should
have seen it in the nineties.”
me.” Because the neighborhood had shaped them, hadn’t it? Jade, Kaden, and
Jackson. Had made them the tight-knit little band of musketeers they were.
to tell? Bad neighborhood is bad. The nineties were… well, drugs, gangs,
guns—that was the nineties. I mean, they’ve cleaned it up some. The schools
started working with the parents who started working with their kids—there’s a
whole new thing going on. But back then the good parents were just, you know, good parents. Jade and Kaden’s mom was one of the best. Me and Kaden had each
other’s six all through school, so she was good for me too.”
about your own—”
grunted. “Cramer, you know, I got shit for sleep last night, okay? Do I have to
tell you about my day? And you and me got shit to sort. I have basic needs
right now. I’ve got to fucking eat or I’m going to fucking kill you right
fucking now. Some water would be perfect.
Motrin would be better. Ice would be icing. And I need to feed my fucking cat,
because he got left inside this morning, and if he hasn’t crapped on my bed,
he’s probably eaten something I cherish.”
have a cat?”
turning right—are we a grown-up now?”
that, apparently, was that.
left him to bleed in the car while he got them food, sodas, and a couple of bottles
of water. When he stopped at the gas station for painkillers, Jackson handed
him his takeout wrappers, neatly and psychotically rolled into the little round
balls, and asked him nicely to put them in the trash.
came out with a cup of ice, a towel, and Motrin, and was greeted with a
genuine—if tired—smile. One that had teeth and made the little crinkles in the
corners of those green eyes bunch up. It was just wide enough to show off a
slightly crooked front tooth and a quirk to Jackson’s upper lip.
you,” Jackson breathed, downing about six painkillers before wrapping the ice
in a napkin and resting it on his knee. “This is amazing—you’re a totally
decent human being and I owe you.”
very welcome,” Ellery said dryly, starting his car and trying not to fuss too
much about the blood and water stains on the gray leather upholstery. “Where to
grunted. “Do you have a creature or anything? Dog? Cat? Fish? Plant?”
have a fish tank with a fake fish and plastic plants. It looks lovely.”
it can feed its goddamned self and it won’t crap on the rug. My place,
then—don’t worry, it’s not a shithole. Anyway—get on 80, take 5 to J Street,
and I’ll walk you from there.”