Isn't that sweet? I've got my own .gif!
Jennifer Morris of Write Time Promotions has set me up a WHOPPING awesome press pack and blog tour schedule and all sorts of wonderful things! I am so TOTALLY excited because my Little Goddess is going SO legit, and because I'm 90K into Quickening, and I think my girl is gonna get some serious love by the time it's ready to be released-- because, well, she's already gotten some serious love, and this? All the hoopla? It's just like a big party for her, an anniversary/birthday party!
I'm so excited. (And I also have a very little brain. .gifs make me happy.)
And seriously-- would you look at the quote on the .gif? It's from Mary Calmes and Damon Suede, who have both read this story and wrote the forward. Just looking at it makes me want to jump up and down and squee like no teenaged girl has ever squeed before!
So, in addition to the .gif-- (which should be enough, in my opinion) I also have a fancy blog tour. Now, I'm going to put this on my website too, because it needs to be updated, that's why, and you can enter the contest and go check out the fun stuff (there will be an interview and some top ten lists, which were fun to produce!) and generally, go check out my girl on her birthday tour.
I. Am So. Happy :-)
Oh! And don't forget-- my next blogpost is going to be *Kermit Flail* and this month I've got a LOT of stuff (as opposed to last month, which was sort of embarrassing. Nobody came to my party last month. This month, I've got a line and a bouncer.) Anyway-- so check out the blog tour-- come see me at the people with the thing and the place! (Oh! And I asked, and you know what? Joyfully Jay knew about the girl cooties and still agreed to feature me, because they're AWESOME!!! <3 for="" jay="" p="">
Prize – One ebook copy of VULNERABLE
Starts 3/1 – Ends 3/8

Working graveyards in a gas station seems a small price for Cory to pay to get her degree and get the hell out of her tiny town. She’s terrified of disappearing into the aimless masses of the lost and the young who haunt her neck of the woods. Until the night she actually stops looking at her books and looks up. What awaits her is a world she has only read about—one filled with fantastical creatures that she’s sure she could never be.
And then Adrian walks in, bearing a
wealth of pain, an agonizing secret, and a hundred and fifty years with a lover
he’s afraid she won’t understand. In one breathless kiss, her entire
understanding of her own worth and destiny is turned completely upside down.
When her newfound world explodes into violence and Adrian’s lover—and
prince—walks into the picture, she’s forced to explore feelings and abilities
she’s never dreamed of. The first thing she discovers is that love doesn’t fit
into nice neat little boxes. The second thing is that risking your life is
nothing compared to facing who you really are—and who you’ll kill to protect.