Monday, March 26, 2018

Face first, into the pillow...


Friday Squish had a dance and she looked lovely and Saturday Mate started the morning by taking her to spring soccer practice while I took the dogs for a walk, and then I came home and made the kids pack.

And then we packed up the car with stuff for kids and stuff for us and dogs (DOGS!) and after a trip to the store we drove through traffic to Doran Beach where my folks were camping, and then we unloaded kids and dogs and took a walk on the beach all together, and the Johnnie thought the beach was TERRIFYING and Geoffie thought it was WONDERFUL and then it started to rain.

So we came back to the campsite and my mom made dinner while my dad tried to convince us all that we should arm all the children and then if they got shot it was just bad parenting and I asked my dad what kind of parenting it was when my stepbrother shot me with a B.B. gun when we were eight and then beat me up so I wouldn't tell mom and dad and how much more fun that would have been if he'd had a .22 and he said it would have been fine and I said I would have been dead and he would be happy now because my whole family wouldn't be disagreeing with him.

And then Mom said dinner was ready and we were all grateful and took out food to meet with her friends in the next campground so I could hold Geoffie in my jacket and Johnnie could freak out under my chair and we could all eat sloppy joes, which were yummy.

After that we drove for an hour in the rain to find a hotel fifteen miles away because GPS is frickin' weird and we ended up on Bob's Road for 20 minutes and if you're wondering where all the serial killers are don't ask me to draw you a map because we were LOST but I'm telling you we were on the road where they all lived without street lights when it was pouring down rain and that was fun.

After that we found the dog friendly hotel and we all slept.

So this morning Mate and I drove home and it was three hours because we stopped with the dogs and ran around two rest stops because one WASN'T dog friendly and anyway we were home for an hour and a half and he said, "I have a King's game and my friend can't make it," so I had to go to a King's game which wasn't bad really because it was a date with my sweetie but I've got SO MUCH FRICKIN' WORK I was supposed to be doing and now I'm way more behind but it was A DATE WITH MY SWEETIE so I'm sort of torn about that.

Then there was dinner.

Then we came home and watched TV.

And now I have to work--and not just write I have to put together a class so I can submit two classes to Emerald City which I enjoyed last year and I hope they'll have me back.

But I have to get it done.

And you know?

The last two days have been sort of busy.              

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