Thursday, December 7, 2017
Snark and Circumstance
Just a few random thoughts...
* For the last few weeks as I've been getting dressed, Geoffie as watched me put my bra on, then stood on her hind legs and made little digging motions with her forepaws against my stomach. It's very playful, very adorable, and very much a pain in the ass.
And I had no idea where it came from.
Then tonight I watched Mate play with her, and he teased her until she sat up on her haunches and made little digging motions with her forepaws.
"You!" I said, laughing. "You're why I can't get dressed in peace!"
"Naw-- that's not what I"m teaching her!" He put his hands behind his back. "See?"
Yeah, I saw. I saw her sit up on her haunches and try to find China through his stomach, THAT'S what I saw.
When I was done laughing he said, "Well, you gotta admit it's cute!"
Yes. It is. Really damned cute. Can't lie.
* Squish is at science camp and I went to snuggle with ZoomBoy as he pet Steve on our bed.
"Hey, Mom--what's it called when you pet a cat without paying a fee?"
My eyes got big. My brain said something really inappropriate and I stared at my son in horror.
"I have no idea," I rasped, hoping against hope it wasn't what I thought it was.
"Petty theft!" he crowed.
"Thank God."
"What did you think it was?"
"Petty theft works. Good one son. Heh heh heh."
* And that's about it! Got a couple of reminders going on here--
--Don't forget to get your copy of Regret Me Not!!!
-- Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter! RIGHT HERE. I'm thinking of having a goofy little giveaway for everybody signed up by next week. Should be fun!
-- Don't forget about Scorched Haven, which is RIGHT HERE on Instafreebie.
-- Don't forget to check out the blog tour! Today's entry was on the magic room of requirement closet Mate and I created out of blind panic! Tomorrow's promises to be failing Santa 101!
The Novel Approach -- a story from my childhood about the intrepid Mrs. Clause
Two Chicks Obsessed With Books and Eye Candy -- a story from our first Christmas with a baby--right before the baby was born.
Happily Ever Chapter -- A story about books and the happy introvert over a very crowded Christmas.
My Fiction Nook-- A story about my books again--and my favorite gift during a tough moment.
Love Bites Reviews -- And this one isn't posted yet, and I've totally forgotten which one it was...
Kimmer's Erotic Book Blog -- But this one (when it comes out) is about failing Santa 101!!!!
Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words -- And this one will be about how now to fuck up your holiday with Crafting!
Boy Meets Boy -- And this one is going to be about giving yourself the gift you love the most. (Not that. Mind out of the gutter!)
Under the Covers (Link to come!) This one is coming out on Christmas Eve, and it's going to be a love letter from Santa from one of the characters. (Hal. It's gonna be Hal.)
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