Friday, September 8, 2017

Three Cat Lounge

I have to admit, the last week has been a little timed out. ZoomBoy has been auditioning for EVERYTHING, and while on the one hand, 'm damned proud of him, on the other hand, I'm remembering the old days when Chicken and Big T had different daytime destinations and every body had something different after school.

Yeah-- not as easy as it sounds.


I'm tired (no nap!) but excited--I started the fourth Manny book, and the second Bonfires comes after that.

So, busy.

But not too busy to poke fun at my cats, who are draped over the furniture like watches in a Salvatore Dali painting.

And the dog, who can photobomb everything.

So I'll leave this meme with you, and let's hope tomorrow is less hurrying, less hurricane, and more rest and healing for the folks already battered.

Night everybody.

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