Thursday, March 16, 2017

Crap, What Time is It?

Yes--it's going to be a holy-shit-it's-one a.m. post.

Let it commence--

First of all, Newt-Dewey demolishes the house every morning while we sleep.  Dust bunnies? Moths? Tiny motes of sunlight?

Who cares. He sounds like a thundering herd of wildebeests and it's HYSTERICAL. Especially when we call him Honeyface as he's doing it.

Next?  I am apparently up for an INDIEFAB in the romance category for Selfie. I've got some great company-- Kim Fielding, Rick R. Reed, both of whom are regulars on Kermit Flail, and I am SO PROUD to be on that list :-)

Also?  I'm having a "RELEASE THE HOUNDS OF GLUTTONY" sort of diet day. I've been so good, and it's that, uh, time of the year for me, and today?  Apparently all the restraints came off and I'm gong to eat everything.  It's a good thing the only chocolate in the house was in Klondike Bar form, or I would have taken out anyone who got in my way.

And... I just wrote "taken out a truckload of whores" as I was sleep typing my blog. I'm sure there is something else to add, but dudes... I think that line says it all.

I'm going to go get some sleep now, and wonder if the truckload of whores are Johnnies guys, and if they're having sweet dreams all.

I hope you guys have sweet dreams too.

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