Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Think they're Glad to Have Me Home?

 Mate said that Steve only sits on my chair when I'm here-- when I'm not here, she sits in the hall and meows piteously for someone to let her in to their bedroom.

When I'm here... well, she sits in my chair and waits for love. Which she got.

And the dogs have been my second skin.  Well, I love them too.

Squish asked me repeatedly how my day was-- I had to talk to her about how silence was good, it meant you were thinking of really good stuff to say.

And ZoomBoy hugged me lots.

Big T cleaned the kitchen.

And Mate detailed my car.

I was missed.  And right backat'em.


  1. I think there's something very comforting to know that your loved ones really miss you when you're gone.

  2. I think it's very comforting to know your loved ones really miss you when you're gone. Even if they drive you crazy when you're home. Crazy can be another word for love.....
