Monday, December 9, 2013

Thank You

And I know-- two posts in one night?

But this one deserved it's own post.

The Rainbow Awards were given out this weekend-- you can read the entire list of AMAZING books RIGHT HERE, but some of my stories got special mention, and I thought I'd say thank you.

Lots of people to thank-- Elisa herself, who makes a superhuman effort to put these together, the members of the jury, who are all volunteers, my readers, my friends, my Mate, my Mary, my editor (the same editor for all four works-- she's a wonder and I adore her) and generally?

Everyone.  I need to thank everyone.  I am, as always by such recognition, humble and grateful, and very very glad.

I don't enter all these books because I think, "Hey, I think they'll all win!"  I enter them because I think, "Hey.  Maybe, if I"m lucky, one of them will win."  I know the quality of writers with whom I compete.  I am very, very fortunate--and I don't doubt that for a minute.

Thank you.

Dex in Blue-- Tied for first in Best General Contemporary Novel

Racing for the Sun-- won the William Neale Award for Best Gay Romance

Mourning Heaven-- tied for second, Best Gay Romance

Under the Rushes-- in a three-way tie for Best Gay Sci-Fi/Futuristic

And all four novels placed in Best Gay Novel 
Best Gay Novel1. Adam Fitzroy - Make Do and Mend
Runners Up:
2. Amy Lane - Racing for the Sun
3. Amy Lane - Mourning Heaven / Ryan Loveless - Ethan Who Loved Carter
4. Scott M. Terry - Cowboys, Armageddon, and The Truth / Kim Fielding - Brute
5. Alicia Cameron - Inherent Gifts / Amy Lane - Under the Rushes / L.A. Witt - Something New Under the Sun
6. Amy Lane - Dex in Blue/ Rick R. Reed - Raining Men
7. Taylor V. Donovan - Disasterology 101
8. Carter Quinn - Out of the Blackness
9. James Erich – Dreams
10. Eric Arvin - Mingled Destinies of Crocodiles and Men / Jere' M. Fishback - Tyler Buckspan / Kaje Harper - Nor Iron Bars A Cage / Lou Harper - Spirit Sanguine

 So thank you.  I linked all the novels to Dreamspinner Press where they are on sale along with all of the presses Rainbow Award Winning books-- and there are quite a lot of them.  I'm in amazing company, and I never take for granted--ever-- how much hard work goes into this effort to appreciate writing.

Thank you, Elisa, thank you everyone.  I love that my words have moved you.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! I'm not surprised. You have such a big talent and I'm glad you get recognition for it.

    As for all the Christmas running around, I tell myself that it's only for a short time every year and it's important to have magic as the days get shorter. We've been quite restrained up till now but things should pick up this weekend. I have some shopping to do.....
