Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We all know I can't count anyway

On the tenth day before Christmas, my true love gave to me...

Chicken's second permit test
A trip to the tree farm
Another frickin' edit
Ten more blurbs a-writing
Two college recruitment meetings
A day of Christmas shopping
One lost Clifford Journal
My oldest' son's birthday
A trip to buy his present
A family sushi dinner
A postponed trip to the vets
Four tired kids,
Three school presentations
Two dentist appointments
A trip to Zoomboy's doctor

And office party that went from house to house...

And THAT ladies and gentlemen, is why I haven't blogged so much...

Catch you this weekend, when I can collapse, cry and breathe!

Amy out!

(And I'll leave you with this, a gift from Roxie in the past)


  1. I love Straight No Chaser. Hope you are all caught up by the weekend.

  2. I can't watch the video, have to wait till I get home but your list sounds exhausting.

    One good thing about having grown kids is that their events are THEIR events. It's partly melancholy as well but mostly it's good.

  3. I'm tired just reading that, living it would have been crazy. (hugs) The holidazes are almost over.

  4. Ah,the gift that keeps on giving. I LOVE that one!

    You thrive on stress, my dear. Wallow in it!
