Thursday, August 25, 2011


School: day four

*crosses eyes* Okay-- have I mentioned that whole "no such thing as a non-working mother" thing? YIKES! I mean... seriously. YIKES! Last three days have been a NIGHTMARE of run errands--and I'm declaring today a day off of aqua aerobics just so I can get some work done. And in the meantime, there has been children at school... and a curious sense of deja vu.

When Zoomboy started school, his older brother and sister were VERY interested in what he was doing. "How was school, Zoomboy? What are you learning? Do you like school?"

About the twelfth time someone asked him that he burst out with an anguished, "I wish you people would quit asking me that!"

Apparently school was best internalized before he decided to share the deets.

He's good with the deets NOW--can't share enough of them. But it took a long while of him just sort of putting on his potato face (all eyes) and experiencing his world.

So we were a little curious as to what Squish's reaction was going to be.

"Mom! Mom, I didn't say ANYTHING! I let the teacher talk the WHOLE TIME!" *whew* Many thanks for small mercies.

"Mom, I don't have a friend yet. I'm still looking." Well, I give her until she starts talking for THAT to change.

"Mom, we lay down and rest. I like that part." God, so do I!

"Mom, it's hot in the room. There's no cool in there." She's in a room with 30 other Kindergartners and no air conditioning. My rage is palpable, and it's all aimed at NCLB, and the fuckheads who distract the government from their real business by trying to legislate people's love lives and religious beliefs. Did ANYBODY in government attend public school? It should be mandatory that if THEY didn't, they have to send their children there for at least two years. 31 kids, a tiny room, no air conditioning. Un. Fucking. Forgivable.

And then, my absolute favorite to date:

"Mom, why don't we give teacher's apples? Like in the movies?"

"I don't know. Do you want to give your teacher an apple?"

"Yes. She's nice. She deserves a present."

Goddess love my little Squish. She's gonna be just fine.

And in other news...

Chris at Stumbling Over Chaos is having TWO contests. One for A Solid Core of Alpha and one for Clear Water. Stop in and say hi-- Chris is clever, she's got a line on EVERY funny link on the planet (her Friday posts are all about The Linkety) and her two cats rule the world. No, no... I'm serious--she named them Chaos and Mayhem for a reason. And you could win a free e-book, and NOT just mine:-)

And Zoomboy is now back on the lbp. Glory Hallelujia-- and it's funny. I never realized how big a difference it was making, until we tried to get him to TAKE IT. Dude--fifteen minutes of ordering his morning routine around swallowing one little brown pill, and you'll want to give your local pharmaceutical company a big hug, hu-normous co-pay or not!

And Big T needs to either clean my kitchen or get a job. I'm opting for cleaning my kitchen right now, but that never lasts long enough--I'll be opting for getting a job about five minutes after that.


  1. Aw, Squish in school! :)

    Thanks for the mention and sweet words!

  2. When Elanor was unemployed, our deal was she could live at home (of course) but she had to do the cleaning and the dishes. It was heaven for me not to have to worry about the dusting and vacuuming. It was also some encouragement for her to get a job, which she did. Now I have to do the cleaning and we all do the dishes.

    I need a maid.

  3. Squish is lulling everyone into a false sense of security. When everyone is settled in, she'll turn on the charm and they'll be powerless to resist, then the school will be hers.

  4. Love the stealth Squish. Wonder how long she'll be silent but deadly? Then she goes to just being deadly. ;)

    There is never enough time. You would freak out if there were.

    Does Big T have transportation? I understand that Starbucks intends to hire.

  5. I'm with KnitTech and Roxie --- GO SQUISH!

  6. So bad with keeping up with blogs. Yay Squish, have a lovely school time, she sounds like she'll be the belle of the school:)
