Sunday, January 17, 2010

Keeping Promise Rock

Is now out.

Holy Goddess, Merciful God, let it not suck.


  1. Very cool! I'm sure it'll be luscious, and I'll buy it as soon as I can. =)

  2. Well, last night I went past my hour limit; finished parts 1 & 2. On pg 106 now and so far no sucking, unless you count the bjs, lol.

  3. It doesn't.

    And boy do you have a way with words! Husband and I are still giggling about the innocent line Jon has...

  4. Finished reading KPR and I loved, loved it. Did I read somewhere that there's going to be a sequel of sorts or am I just wishing for more?

  5. I finished this today & absolutely loved it. Thankyou. My favourite read in a long time.
