Monday, January 25, 2010

And the winner is...

Okay, even as I type, Mate is coming up with a fool proof way of choosing one winner for each prize. If it were up to me, I'd be doing eeny-meeny-miney-moe, but I'm hearing the high tech sound of scissors and a hat, so I think he's going with that.

In the meantime, everyone wanted to know what I was so excited about knitting! I don't have pictures yet, although I'm rather shockingly close to done--only two sleeves to go! One of the reasons this went so fast is that I did it in one piece and then seamed the shoulders. I have no idea how it's working out, honestly. I asked Squish to try it on in vest form, and I was not encouraged. I think I may have made a tactical error involving the bottom, but it was hard to tell-- she wouldn't stay still and she wouldn't let me adjust the fit of the top, so it may just be that. Or, the whole thing could suck.

I didn't call it the ass-kicking-nightmare-in-pink for nothing.

Anyway, I'm thrilled--it's been a long time since I knit a sweater. Even if it totally sucks, at the very least, it will fit like a bolero, and that should be cute, and, well, I knit a sweater! Go me! Pictures when it's done!

We went to my parents yesterday to watch football--this was sort of a challenge since we brought the short people, but they were pretty good for the most part. It was sort of funny--at one point my mom gave the little kids a bath. My dad kept acting like I was imposing on her--but she WANTED to do it! At the end, he barked at me to go help her, and I walked in and she was poofing powder on their underarms and giving a new nightgown to Squish. I'm pretty sure I was not imposing on her, no matter how badly she wanted to root Minnesota on. (*sigh* The game, btw? It was like watching Chip & Dale-- "Here--you can have the game." "No, no, I wouldn't dream of it. It's all yours." "No--I insist--the game is yours!")

All in all, a pretty full weekend. Not too much time to obsess about the books, which is good, and not a whole lot of time to write, which is good too. Sometimes you need down time, and that's just all there is to it! (Of course Shane and Mikhail are getting rather impatient to have their story told. I'm roughly halfway there-- nearly 70,000 words, and I'm very proud of that one!

Okay-- Mate's high tech method of cutting out everybody's names and putting them in different kids hats has paid off, and I now have three winners!

Chris, if you're out there, e-mail me at the address under my profile--an e-copy of Keeping Promise Rock is yours!

jsquilter-- Rampant for you, darling! Enjoy! (Of course, you'll have to wait--I haven't gotten my author copies, because, well, iUniverse just is that way!)

ikkinlala--you and me gotta talk, sweet thing--I need an address and a color/brand preference--you would not beLEIVE the selection I have. Give me some ideas and I'll deliver you the SWEETEST little skein of yarn--you'll be so pleased.

Congratulations, everyone! Editors, remember there is a signed book with your name on it, no questions asked. (And probably some stashbusting or something. It's been so LONG since I sent out presents!)

And to say goodnight, I shall leave you with this image: I was sitting in the car with the short people, waiting for Chicken to make a manga-dump at the library, when I realized there was a pattern to the noise coming from the back of the car.

Of course there was a pattern--it was Zoomboy. He was singing Duran Duran. Hungry like a wolf.


  1. Now I've got Hungry like the Wolf in my head too!

  2. *squeeeee!*

    Um, sorry 'bout your eardrums... Thank you!

    D'oh - I'm not seeing your email address in your profile. However, you sent a message to mmromancefans yesterday, so I actually have an email address for you. Sending!

  3. Family dynamics are SO interesting! Did your dad even wonder if your mom might prefer bathing the babies to watching the game with him? And Zoomboy is becoming quite the singer, isn't he?

  4. My mom always wanted to give the girls a bath. She liked watching them playing in the tub. My dad, not so much. Maybe it's a male thing.

    I'm with Mate. That's just the way I choose winners, too. Scissors and hats have worked well for hundreds of years.....

  5. Congrats to the lucky bastards who won :-P

    Glad your getting some down time (though Shane and Mikhail are not the only ones impatient about wanting their story to be done!)

  6. I just saw this - I hope I'm not too late to claim my prize! I can't find your e-mail address under your profile, but if you e-mail me (ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca) I'll get my address/yarn preferences to you ASAP.
