Sunday, July 12, 2009

The poop, the whole poop, and nothing butt.

Ten very important minutes in Ladybug's life:

"Mommm! Mom!"


"Mom. I have to go poop. Come with me. Come on mom. No, get out of the bathroom. DON'T LEAVE! Stay in the bedroom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Come look! I made a BIIIIGG poop. No I'm not done. There's more. Get out of the bathroom. DON'T LEAVE. STay in the bedroom. Mom? No, I'm not done. Stay in the bedroom. Mom? No, I'm not done. My face is a mess. My hair needs to be brushed. No! Don't come in. Get out of the bathroom. MOM! Look. I made another poop. That's two poops. No, I'm not done. Get out of the bathroom. DON'T LEAVE! STay in the bedroom, mom. Mom! I can't find the paper. OKay. No, I"m not done. Get out of the bathroom. DON'T LEAVE. Mom! Look! I made another poop. That's three poops. No, I'm not done. Get out. Wait. No, I"m not done. Yes. Yes, I'm done. MOM! Come help me wipe. Okay, I'm done. Get out! MOM! I need to wash my hands. Help me. Okay. I'm done. DON'T LEAVE! I'm coming out. Okay, Mom. All done. Come let me sit on your lap now."



  1. :-)
    Gotta love it when they want to share EVERYTHING. LOL

  2. Prehumans! Another reason I avoid them. lol

  3. They do love to share their accomplishments!

  4. Stop eavesdropping on MY LIFE!

    It all seems to be poo and bumwiping here at present - and I am so impressed by the approach from the press! oh and I recommended your books on a ravelry thread read by hundreds asking for fantasy suggestions - sorry (Mwwaahhh! LOL!)

  5. Time to introduce her to the idea of TMI.....

  6. Knock knock.
    Who's there?
    Compulsive micro-manager. Now you say "compulsive micro-manager who?"

    She certainly knows EXACTLY what she wants!

