Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm a guest...


Many thanks to Tamela for having me guest for her--and everybody make sure to leave a comment so she knows you visited! (And I want to know what you think of the essay!)


(And, uhm, Curmudgeonly Colleague, if you're out there, you get mention. Don't worry--you'll know it when you see it!)

(And for those keeping track? 480 pages of RAMPANT complete--I think it's going to be around 700... maybe more. HUZZAH!)


  1. Its nice to know why sometimes they PNR book set my teeth on edge. Besides the no big words.

  2. Not having a wordpress account, and being too dead-possum lazy to create one, I'll comment here. Of course you don't fit into any of the normal pigeon-holes. In the first place, you are not a hole-shaped pigeon. In the second place, there are no pigeon-shaped holes. Your unclassifiable uniqueness is part of your appeal. That and the hot vampire sex.

  3. I just discovered your books and I loved them, I read all three in two days. I am so anxious for your next book with Cory. Please Hurry. These are now my favorite books. Getting ready to read them a second time. Please keep writing about Cory.

  4. Left a comment on the blog but wanted to give a big HURRAY for your progress on Rampant :-)

  5. Also tried to comment,but no word press account. Twilight, not a spell-binding read for me, Cory? Wheee! Bring on the 700 pages.
    Validation? outcharm

  6. Alas, I also am not one who has a wordpress account and thus could not comment... I did read it and really really liked it though :0)
    I like Twilight...... But in a WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY different way than I like the Little Goddess books. 700 pages? maybe it will last me a whole day then :-P

  7. This seemed like a good blog topic to leave this comment on. I just finished BitterMoon II. Not that the first one wasn't good, but this one was way better. My mom told me not to start it until after finals for fear that danger, blood, love, and (of course) really hot boys would keep me from studying about cancer, thyroid stimulating hormone and constipation. I have no idea what could have given her that idea. So thank you for giving me a much needed reprieve from studying and I really enjoyed it. I am desperately waiting for Rampant so congratulations on your progress!

  8. Loved your essay! Fun, yet informative! :)

    Yay for Rampant! The economey (and attempt at first home purchasing) has forced me to cut most of my Amazon spending. However, I wanted to let you know that if Rampant was...1500 pages...or more... even those of us with less to spend would not hesitate!
