Saturday, February 28, 2009

*smacking head against desk*

Okay-- I know this. I know life is better with sleep. But never does it seem such a simple lesson as when I'm a flaming bitch all day, and then I fall asleep.

I wake up, and the short people back away from me slowly, the tall people are ingratiating, Mate is ginger about approaching me, and the animals growl when I approach.

"AHA!" I think wisely, "Maybe I should take a nap BEFORE I rip the face off of everybody within a two mile radius?"

And then I stay up til two in the morning writing again. *sigh*

And other than that? I had to frog my sock. I thought that one motif repeat of 8 stitches wouldn't make that much of a difference--what, another inch? Really? Yeah-- another inch is like a planet in sock-land, and this puppy would have been big on ME, and I get water in my ankles. It's a good thing my sock-buddy is also running late... we may actually roulette eachother in sync, and we'll have the rest of you (who are being outrageously good about meeting your deadlines) to keep us honest. Of course, I would like to write the pattern sometime before then, and that's always hard. Not HARD so much as it makes you put words to stuff that you just know, and that (as I learned when I first tried to teach English, a subject I understood like my body understands water) is REALLY hard. But when I do, I'll take a picture of the test pair (still going to Shelley, first reviewer of Bitter Moon II:-) and post the pattern, because, well, it really IS Lady Cory's Punk Goth Brocade and I'm very proud of it.

And other than that? The Cave Troll... (Okay, we'll call him Big Q--but 2 1/2 years of blogging is hard to shake!) keeps saying profound shit that I forget to record. We were watching Dumbo (and for a rant, how about Dumbo? Let's see... institutionalized racism, class-ism, underaged drinking, smoking, and the fact that all the supposed adults treat this poor kid like shit--I mean, I'm sure that movie has made its share of serial killers... just sayin'!) and a very drunk Dumbo blew a sqare bubble. "That's a cube," said the Cave Troll, clearly reciting, "a cube is a solid square. All solid shapes have their own names. A solid circle is a sphere."

Well thank YOU Mr. Science--I was clearly impressed.

"Mom, I want a bottle of pink milk!"

*sigh* Yup, I've got a five year old genius who still likes drinking from a bottle. Trust me, I'm taking pictures and they're going as blackmail.

And Ladybug? She's going to rule the freaking rule. I was reading these very charming books to her that Roxie gave me (the cat books, by Nicola Bayley--each cat wants to be a different animal, until it gets wet.) And Ladybug starts screaming, "Crab Cat, mama! Crab cat!" I had to REALLY look at the cover to see the crabs... I'm seriously thinking she recognized the word. Be afraid. VERY afraid.

And on that note I'm off. I have to do research on Redding. I'd rather have my toenails pulled, but they seem to have this wonderful phallic shaped sundial bridge... I mean, anything shaped like an erect penis has got to be good for the Cory-verse!


  1. Go Ladybug, go! We had Red Lobster for dinner, so she's right on track. The fact she's an evol (love backwards, thanks Christopher Titus) give me hope for the future.

  2. So she's starting to read at - what - two? three? At least you know how to keep her occupied. Just be sure to hide the Anarchist's Cookbook!

  3. You've suspected for some time she's beginning to read. What an awesome world of ideas and stories that will open for her mind! (Ditto on the Anarchist's Cookbook :-)

    Hope you got some sleep last night and good luck with your roulette sock. I'm looking forward to seeing the pattern.

  4. A note on the sundial bridge: I don't know whether it is in the paint or in the metal, but the bridge has a wonderful effect of being about 60F on a 105F day. It's really weird, but sorta nice.

  5. If I was an elephant intead of a cat.....Those were some of my very favorite books from when the girls were litte. And I'm quite bitchy when I don't get sleep. I just tell eveyone to back off.

  6. I normally just stalk your blog, but I had to comment this time because of the cat books! I remember my mom reading those to us as kids and they are the BEST! I didn't recognize the author's name but when you mentioned the cats, I started giggling and clapping my hands like a three year old. I blame the cold medicine, normally I would just have giggled.

    Um, back to the topic at hand, make sure you're the favorite parent and Mate is the enforcer. You're less likely to see the scary side of world domination that way. PS--tell Ladybug I have dibs on the Caribbean.

  7. [aside]Bitter Moon II is now on and my lovely husband has promised to buy it for me when I finish my paper and stuff. Yippee[/aside]
