Saturday, January 17, 2009


Done list:

Finished "Girl Mittens" for grandmother-in-law (alas, no pictures.)

Finished "Two color scarf" for friend (alas, no pictures.)

Finished hotpad and retro dishcloth for friend (alas, no pictures.)

Received picture calendars ordered in early December from Wal-Mart (you've seen a lot of those pictures, actually)

Sent all of the above to final destinations.

Went to Babetta's to buy more sockyarn (because, you know, I might have run out.) (Mini Mochi, btw--YUM!)

Bought lunch for family

Ate lunch

Am *this close* to finishing fingerless mitts I started last spring.

Took kids to gymnastics.

Finished the final galley edit of Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning

Sent it off to the publishers and cried.


Cook dinner for children

Start a new project because I've been very good about finishing stuff and I'm owed a started project by the universe at large.

Take a nap

e-mail Lady in Red sometime today or tomorrow because I miss her and she's awesome

Call my friend to see how her trip with her husband's ashes went.

Go on a movie date with my husband. (Alas, no 'My Bloody Valentine 3D.)

Take the kids to the movies tomorrow. (Where I get to see My Bloody Jensen Ackles' Valentine 3D with Chicken. Because we're sick that way. And we promise to walk out if he bites it in the first ten minutes.)

Chew nails and knuckles bloody for the next two months as I wait for the book to come out and for some feedback. (I love you all, you know it, but no amount of reassurance is going to make this part any easier. I am eternally grateful for the fact that you try anyway. Please don't stop.)

Take a deep breath, woman up, and get back to work on Rampant. Cory and Green are in bed, making moon eyes at each other... something good is gonna happen soon!


  1. Is it no pictures because you didn't take any or is it no pictures because you don't have a way to post them? I thought we resolved the "no way to post them" issue.

    BTW I don't think KnitTech wants to see "My Bloody Valentine 3d" even with "yummy yummy hot guy" in it.

  2. You totally rock! All the task completion must feel awesome! Bravo to you! How can you not put the finished edit at the top of the list? I would be waving the banner and trumpeting it from the housetops. What a long difficul labor and delivery that was. (And there's still the afterbirth to push out. All that struggle to get the cover right and the blurbs written and so on.) But in a few months you will be able to bask in the praise and plaudits and even a few royalty checks. Yay Amy! Whoop, whoop!

  3. My daughter and I considered going to "My Bloody Valentine 3D" but decided we couldn't handle it eve for Jensen Ackles.

    Congratulations on all your finished projects including Bitter Moon II. You have accomplished a lot and it will not suck! (Just thought that needed to be said again :-))

  4. Congrats on the finish list! How was the movie?

  5. I'm with Roxie. Why wasn't BMII on the top of the list? It won't suck and you'll be lauded for your creativity.

    And good on you for finishing all that stuff! I'm trying to work through some wip's but the will is weak and the call of the new is strong.

  6. Hehe, I made your to do list! I'm here!!!! I've just been wicked busy. And I called our travelling friend tonight. Her trip went well. :)
