Saturday, February 16, 2008

A short day pass from germ central...

I went into work today for two hours to make sure the place was still standing and to talk to my sub...lucky me--Today's sub was an old student of mine and totally competent now, and I'm so glad he got my students for today. A break at last!

And Roxie's right, btw...I TOTALLY missed my students. I might not feel this way in mid-May, but right now, I was really sorry to have to leave my 2nd period...even though they still weren't shutting up during the @##$ movie!!

And as for Amy Lane, the mobile recliner? Seriously, people...the diet this week? Bye-the-fuck-bye... It's so not funny how little will power I have when my time schedule and my autonomously ambulatory moments have gone *splat* into a toddler's mucus puddle. (That's an image that will haunt some of you for days...)

And the house? Julie published a very brave photo of her guest room that needs to be ready for her in-laws tomorrow...I just laughed. My house REDEFINES thrashed. Tinkingbells keeps doing her 'In/Out' lists, and all I can think of is that if I did a serious OUT list, it wouldn't be defined by the item, it would be defined by the number of giant Hefty garbage bags that I would leave in the bay of the local Thrift store before I fled the scene.

Mate begged/forced/guilted-me-with-sad-puppy-dog-eyes to, for sweet Triane's sake, leave the small kids with the perfectly legitimate baby-sitting aged large kids and pretty pretty please go see a movie with him tonight. I was so frazzled that, in the time we spent waiting to go to the movie, instead of A. Taking a walk, B. doing the dishes, C. working on a response to an agent who (SQUEEE) responded to my queries, I chose to D. Cast on a new sock so that I would have something to knit at the movies. (???????OMGWTFBBQ????) Can you even imagine how totally whackoid my priorities have become this last week to even think that was sane? (ah, but the yarn I chose was ever so's the reason stash was invented...)

We saw Jumpers. I'd give a C-. I dropped a sock stitch and went to the lady's room after the movie to fix the sock--after I pottied, of course.

And while there is no more fever, I have a gut-churning suspicion that the mucus has settled into the sinuses for a long haul...I'm betting on a sinus infection pending, at least for Ladybug. She's so pale that she practically glows in the dark.

I'm never getting out of this house, am I? I'll be writing posts from the chaos as it travels towards my chin, and they'll have to get me and the short people out with a backhoe. I know it. I may be getting another day pass tomorrow (I begged Mate, to, for the sweet love of Triane's wolly legs, allow me to go to the LYS tomorrow, where a bunch of very nice ladies whose names I won't know will be there knitting. I need to knit. FOR THE LOVE OF WOOL LET THIS STRESSED OUT MAMA KNIT!!!) but after I get back to the stinking black hole that is my home? I may actually *gasp* need to clean. Break out the hefty bags, people. It's all gotta go. Everything except the yarn. And the books. And the toys. And the laptop.

Nevermind. I might just take a nap.


  1. We are hosting the Rabbi this weekend. There are still baking pans piled on the dining room chairs from the last kitchen purge. Sigh. Good luck with the de-accessioning (The Husband was sitting in front of the computer with cookbooks in his lap looking up prices so he can, cough, maybe, cough, sell some).

  2. I looked at Julie's pictures and have to say she is an amateur at mess :-) My goal in my time off work is to paint the interior of my house (not done in 20 years), recarpet (not done in 23 years) and wade through a lifetime accumulation of things I "just can't throw out". This is after I did a massive packing and storing of all the things the kids left behind and don't have a place for yet.
    Until your kids are finally out of the house, not moving back and took their stuff with them you are just holding the mess at bay, so don't feel too guilty. Phlegm is not the only thing they produce in copious amounts!

  3. I agree with galad. After Em moved out and took all of her stuff, you wouldn't believe the amount of room that Kate now has to fill up with all her stuff. Until they go, just finding space for you and your stuff is all you can hope for. And I hope the kids are getting better. It reminds me of the 6 weeks I was stuck inside as the chicken pox worked its way through my three kids. Such bad memories.

  4. Go Amy Go Amy!!!! Enjoy the temporary kid-ectomy! (We did - went out for a grown up dinner last night - it was so fun!)

  5. Movie with Mate (good man. GOOD man!) and a break to the LYS. About time! As for keeping a clean house, I figure, if the cockroaches won't do their share, I'll just sic the mice on 'em.
