Thursday, February 21, 2019

Ugh... I get on a plane when?

So, Squish and Mate have been sick ALL WEEK, and they've shared.

Last night I started taking Zicam and Motrin and spiking a fever and I'm EXHAUSTED but I can't sleep and I have a reading tomorrow and a meeting on Saturday and I need to fold clothes and pack in the meantime.


I'll be honest.

I took the kids in for a mani-pedi today--it's been the only really fun thing they've gotten to do all week, and they've had it OFF. Squish got purple nails with flowers (in spite of my mother's assertion that this will end up with her getting pregnant at sixteen because she's not old enough for dark colors, I am made of wet cardboard and I think Squish is too level headed for that bullshit, so I caved.)

ZoomBoy got turquoise sparkles, Chicken got pastels, and I got brand colors that I immediately biffed.


And I was wearing capris and sandals ALL DAY and I don't think that made the whole "I'm sick!" thing any better.

So I'll be downing Zicam for the next five days and hopefully I can sleep on the plane, and then I'll be at Karen's house for a couple of days and then we're going to Coastal Magic.

If you see me at Coastal Magic and I look a little... uh.... o)).((o, it's because all the things are hurting and I want to sleep.

But I'll be there anyway--because I miss everybody, and, well, I said I would.

Everybody, let's cheer on  Zicam and Motrin, okay?

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