Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Beginning of Summer Crazies

*  We went to see a friend's son get his award from his swim banquet today. I really do miss how proud kids are of themselves sports and other activities in high school. *sigh*

* On our way down and back I had Mate listening to Hamilton. "Isn't it great?" I enthused.

"It's won several awards," he said stoically.

"But yeah, I just, you know, wanted to share it with you!"

"Then stop giving me intros to the songs!"

He's right, you know. That teacher thing never really goes away.

* This happened (I posted it on Twitter/FB but I'm still giggling)

Me: *spazzes out*
Mate: What?
Me: *with dignity* Bug.
Mate: You’re not gonna kill it like that!
Me: I don’t need to kill it. I just need it to know not to surprise me.
Mate: Dogs—get that!
Dogs: GET THE BUG!!!!
... and that is why the expression is
“Dead as that bug on my rug.”

*  Also still giggling because the promotions department is trying to figure out WTF gives with Hiding the Moon. It's a crossover between Fish Out of Water and Racing for the Sun, so what does that make it? Fish 4 and Racing 2? The fuck? 

I mean, I shouldn't be giggling. You can't sell a book with a two page long explanation of wtf it came from, and you can't sell a book with the tagline of, "The fuck if I know, trust me it fits!" either.

But so far my best idea is from a reader, who proposed SunFish-- or, (my suggestion) Hiding the Fish. 

Or Hiding the MoonFish.

But see? You get the idea. "The fuck if I know, trust me it fits!" is looking better all the time.

*  OH! And with a little help from a promotions company I'm getting my newsletter back online and starting a contest on my blog. (And I do mean help. These are not things I could do myself.)  Anyway-- the book will be available in either paperback or e-book format-- here's the link!  

Night all-- have a nice weekend! Kermit Flail on Monday :-)


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