Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Happy Tuesday in July!

So yeah-- not full of nationalistic pride right now--but my family picnic is always a joy, so that was fun.

I've got pictures, but they're not downloading right now--I have no idea, and seriously-- *yawn* off to bed right now.

But I WILL leave you with this-- it's the pre-buy link to Red Fish, Dead Fish, which is out on August 4th--SWEET!


And now off to bed, to comfort my animals who are either freaked out or hiding--and freaked out.

Cause poor babies and loud noises, right?

So happy Tuesday, everybody--I hope your family picnic was lovely, the flies weren't too bad, and your beans turned out as good as mine did. (I'm not gonna lie--they came out FANTASTIC. Dude. The pressure cooker gadget is worth it's weight in pork and beans for LIFE!)

So anyway--

May tomorrow not get too hot, and may there be a swimming pool nearby in your summer!


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